7770 Bathurst Street, Thornhill

(Located inside Beth Chabad Israel Synagogue)



Gan Nitzanim provides kosher (Chalav Yisroel) lunch and 2 healthy snacks. The first snack takes place at 10:00 a.m., lunch at 11:30 a.m. or 12:00 for the older students, and the second snack around 2:30 p.m. All menus are based on Canada’s Food Guide and York Region ministry guidelines. As required by the ministry, we have certified food handlers on the premises at all times and water is available to the children throughout the day.  Menus are posted in the hallway for the parents’ interest. Please make sure the staff is aware of any food allergies or restrictions as soon as possible.
Due to the severe anaphylactic allergies, peanut and all tree nut products will not be part of our menu. We also have allergies to dairy and fish. Food from outside the building will not be permitted to enter the school both for kashrut and allergy reasons unless otherwise approved for specific dietary or celebratory reasons.
